Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Mona Lisa By Leonardo Da Vinci - 1001 Words
One of the world’s most famous paintings is the Mona Lisa. It was created by the Renaissance’s most highly praised artist, Leonardo da Vinci, in the years 1503 to 1506. Leonardo worked on this painting while he lived in Florence, Italy, and it is made using oil paints on a poplar wood panel. The painting depicts, simply, a woman in front of an expansive landscape of rocky hills, valleys, mountains, and bodies of water. It was discovered in King Francis I’s royal collection, but this is no surprise considering that Leonardo worked for him in France from 1516 up until Leonardo’s death in 1519. It was transported to the Louvre, which is a museum in Paris, France. The painting was stolen in 1911 by a widely known Italian art thief named Vincenzo Peruggio. It was recovered two years later and returned to the Louvre, where it still resides today. In 1951, the panel it was painted on showed signs of warping, and so a wooden frame was added to the piece, as well a s braces in 1970. Dovetails were also a necessity in preserving the work, due to a crack that had started to spread. As of 2012, the value of the painting sits at $760 million. Leonardo used sfumato to create the fine shading of Mona Lisa’s clothes and hair, as well as using it to compliment the landscape behind her. Upon closer inspection, one can see that she does not have any eyebrows. There are multiple theories for this, including Leonardo’s decision to not give her any, or maybe she simply didn’t have any, as it wasShow MoreRelatedLeonardo Da Vinci : The Mona Lisa And The Last Supper1376 Words  | 6 PagesLeonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci happened to be a painter, architect, inventor, and student of pretty much all things scientific. He happened to cross so many disciplines he epitomized the name of  ¨Renaissance man. ¨ If you ask people about him, most people will recognize him for his art, especially two paintings that are remaining as the worlds most admired and most famous, The Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. A fun fact about Leonardo Da Vinci is that he was self-taught. He also had dozens ofRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci s The Last Supper And Mona Lisa1030 Words  | 5 Pagescom, the article about the writer, mathematician, inventor, and artist Leonardo da Vinci states that, â€Å"Leonardo da Vinci was a leading artist ad intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who’s known for his enduring works â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Mona Lisa††. Leonardo da Vinci was born in Vinci, Italy on April 15, 1452. He was born out of wedlock being raised by his father Ser Piero along with his stepmothers. Leonardo da Vinci was into the laws of science and nature, which played a major role withRead MoreRenaissance : The Last Supper And The Mona Lisa Painted By Leonardo Da Vinci Essay1008 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Medici family and many more (â€Å"Renaissance†). Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael were some of the most famous artists during the Renaissan ce among others (â€Å"Famous People†). Even today, the artwork of these men are still very well-known such as â€Å"The Last Supper†and the â€Å"Mona Lisa†painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Two of the main themes of the Renaissance was worldly experience and individual expression (â€Å"Renaissance†). Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 5, 1452 and died at age sixty-sevenRead MoreThe Medium Of Art By Leonardo Da Vinci s Mona Lisa1518 Words  | 7 Pages is one of the most controversial. However, in the subject of practical artwork, sculptures, paintings, and performance artworks, the idea of a definitive artwork is almost non-existent. Although there are artworks that exist, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, which are known seemingly universally (Torov, 2011), there are few critics or viewers who can explain just what exactly constitutes it as a good artwork. This investigation appears to become universal to many other artworks, an argumentRead MoreThe famous masterpiece Mona Lisa created by the late great Leonardo da Vinci was a true outstanding600 Words  | 3 PagesThe famous masterpiece Mona Lisa created by the late great Leonardo da Vinci was a true outstanding that really defined the aspect of art. This mysterious woman has numerous minds wondering what she’s thinking and the million dollar question â€Å"do her eyes actually follow you?†The context behind the story of this painting is so superior. It’s amazing that the painting was left unfinished after it was lingered for over four years, wasn’t complete. It speaks truth, in small significant details, aboutRead MoreThe Da Vinci Code By Dan Brown1304 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.†(Balt, 2013). This is a quote by Leonardo da Vinci and states one of his main ideas; knowledge will open your mind to new ideas and helps you learn about the past. A book that represents this quote, is the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. This book is the thrilling story of Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu in their hunt to solve the dying wish of Sophie’s grandfather. Not only does it contain a fantastic storyline, it also is fullRead MoreThe Great Artists And Inventors During The 15th And 16th Century1263 Words  | 6 Pagesmany great artists and inventors during the 15th and 16th century, but none of them are not as great or as known as Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci’s intelligence allowed him to create and invent things that none of the other inventors could make or even thi nk of. Da Vinci painted some of the most magnificent and priceless paintings such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Da Vinci was also an inventor; he would write down all of his ideas and test some of the out. Some of these inventions playRead MoreThe Beauty Of Mona Lisa953 Words  | 4 PagesThe Mona Lisa was one of the famous painting in the world, personally I believe it still is. This artwork was created by Leonardo Da Vinci, who was an Italian artist. He not only dedicate art in his life but also science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, and many other areas. However, today this essay will only focus on the portrait he painted, Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa have many secrets, the date of this artwork is one of them. The time Leonardo worked on it remain mystery, but the â€Å"portraitRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci And The Renaissance Man1378 Words  | 6 PagesLeonardo’s painting, the Mona Lisa, is one of the most famous paintings of all time. Using his knowled ge from anatomy and sciences, he learned to perfect the muscles in human portraits. Leonardo loved both art and science, using both to his advantage. Also known as the Renaissance Man, Da Vinci was a writer, inventor and an artist. He was known to get bored of his work and move on to study something else causing him to only finish a few of his paintings. Despite Leonardo Da Vinci’s anxious nature,Read MoreLeonardo Da Vincis Secrets Essay525 Words  | 3 PagesIn Leonardo da Vincis paintings there are clues that reveal hidden messages. At first glance, his paintings may seem just like normal paintings, but at second glance they are not that simple. For example, Mona Lisa has captivated humanity for centuries because of her smile and her mysterious identity and the small details in The Last Supper have posed questions about what they mean. Leonardo da Vinci attracts me because through his art he may reveal to us some hidden truths about the past and
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Papa John’s International, Inc. - 785 Words
Introduction Papa John’s International, Inc., is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky it is the world’s largest pizza chain and considered paramount in the pizza industry. Papa John’s domestic pizzas are made exclusively from a proprietary blend of wheat flour, cheese made from 100% real mozzarella, fresh-packed pizza sauce made from vine-ripened tomatoes (not from concentrate) and a proprietary mix of savory spices, and a choice of high-quality meat (100% beef, pork and chicken with no fillers) and vegetable toppings. However, international ingredients vary to meet customs and tastes. ( The company operates approximately 3,400 domestic and international pizza restaurants. They have five segments of their†¦show more content†¦Papa John’s is not only staying connected to their customer but they are quantifiably checking on the quality of their product by sending in mystery shoppers to rate the service of the store, quality of product and aligning the executive’s bonus from top to bottom to make sure the customer’s experience is rewarded. ( Therefore, they are constantly working to exceed the customer’s expectation, by continuing to deliver high quality products by not adding fillers and ensuring that their pizzas are made with zero trans-fat. In the past, to find out how what the customer liked and disliked a lab was used to try out various products on the customer accompanied with a customer feedback card. Now, with the advancement networking groups, Papa John’s is able to reach out to millions of its c ustomers via email and a nationally networking group like, â€Å"Facebook.†SWOT Analysis SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that are internal and/or external factors that can directly impact the strategic direction of the company. A major strength of Papa John’s is that they are able to supply each of their domestic franchisees with freshShow MoreRelatedCase Study Papa Johns International, Inc. Twenty-First Century Growth Challenges1624 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Case 2: Papa John’s International, Inc.: Twenty-First Century Growth Challenges 1) What is your assessment of Papa John’s differentiation strategy? On what bases does the company differentiate? There are a number of bases on which Papa John’s differentiates itself, many of which are interrelated. First and foremost is Papa John’s offering of a higher-quality pizza, which not only allows them to differentiate on the basis of a product feature (i.e. the high quality ingredients used in the pizza)Read MorePapa Pizza Case Analysis1186 Words  | 5 Pages(Wolfson, 2013). Seven month later, Schnatter turned a broom closet into a pizza oven, which was the start of what will eventually become one of the largest pizza chain restaurants in the world (Smith, 2016; Wolfson, 2013). To better understand Papa John’s history and current operations, it’s strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) must be analyzed, along with its financial position, which will guide the company to continued success in the twenty-first century. History Although SchnatterRead MoreEssay CHUCK E CHEESE SEGMENTATION AND TARGET MARKET1314 Words  | 6 PagesEntertainment, Inc. participates in the food and entertainment industry, as it sells fast food and provides places for family to stay and play together. The food and entertainment industry has been facing challenges. The industry is in a decline. This is because people may be enjoying cooking at home or other ways, which is a cheaper choice. Also, competitors are everywhere, ranging from delicatessens and other pizzerias to fine-dining restaurants. For example, Papa John’s, Inc. and CaliforniaRead MorePapa Johns Case Study Essays1575 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The Papa John’s case provides a classic example of a company that entered a highly saturated and mature market and was able to enjoy immense growth and success due to its creative product differentiation strategy. The company’s motto has been consistent from the day the first restaurant was opened: Superior ingredients and a superior product from its competitors. John Schnatter took the basic concept of product differentiation and positioning to new heights as he created a strongRead MorePapa Johns Case Analysis Essay1360 Words  | 6 PagesCase Analysis Papa John’s 14. What are the current production and purchasing (functional) strategies? Papa John’s currently follows a low cost differentiation strategy for its production policy.†The low cost differentiation strategy concentrates on quality in operations when the cost of doing so is real low.†(Parnell, 2008). Papa John’s manufactures its own sauce and dough in their quality control centers to ensure quality. They also purchase all of their fresh ingredients from their qualityRead MoreThe Pizza Industry Is The Number One Meal Choice For Americans1309 Words  | 6 Pagesthe United States people, on average, consume 100 acres of pizza every day. The Industry is mainly classified into two different sections, pizza chains and independent pizzerias. The top four businesses in this industry are Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Papa John’s, and Little Casers, respectively. In fact they account for 32 percent of the industry sales (Thompson, C-42). The pizza owners not only compete with each other, but there is a new entrant to the industry, th e frozen pizza. Furthermore, the industryRead MoreThe Strategy Of Papa John s1436 Words  | 6 Pagesstrategy of Papa John’s is to provide pizzas with better ingredients to make a better pizza than their competitors. They have always focused on quality when it comes to their sauce, toppings and the fresh made dough. At the end of 2015, Papa John’s announced that they had removed items with artificial ingredients and synthetic colors from their menu (Papa John’s International, 0001). By summer of 2016, they plan to also serve only chicken with no antibiotics. Although several franchised Papa John’sRead MoreCase: Pizza Chains of the United States and Pizza Hut10172 Words  | 41 Pagesplayer in both the domestic US and international out-ofhome pizza marketplaces. With more than 9,300 locations in 65 countries, Domino’s is the number two pizza restaurant behind Pizza Hut and number one in the pizza delivery segment with market share numbers approaching 20 percent.1 (See Exhibit 1 for a ranking of the top 50 pizzeria brands in 2009 by sales.) In recent years, how ever, Dom ino’s ha s com e un der c onsumer fire and, although masked by international revenue growth of 13.2 percent forRead MoreQuestions1478 Words  | 6 Pages3. What will competition in pharmaceuticals look like in 10 years? 4. What is your assessment of Pfizer’s position in the industry? What are the keys to success in the industry? 5. What recommendations would you make to Kindler? Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. The story of Wal-Mart’s rise to dominance is a standard case on resources and capabilities and how they contribute to sustainable competitive advantage. This case works well as a first case on resources and competitive advantage. It can ObjectivesRead MoreAnalysis of the Pizza Industry Essay4621 Words  | 19 Pages----------------------- 1 1 Pizza Hut Dec. 1998 8,471 8,698 8,910 39.52% 2 2 Dominos Pizza Dec. 1998 4.489 4,431 4,300 20.94 3 3 Little Caesars Dec. 1998 4,350 3,900 4,008 20.29 4 4 Papa Johns Dec. 1998 1,879 1,517 1,160 8.76 5 5 Sbarro, the Italian Dec. 1998 806 780 732 3.76 Eatery 6 6 Godfathers Pizza May 1999 592 554 540 2.76 7 7 Round Table Pizza
Monday, December 9, 2019
Global Vision International Charitable Trust
Question: Discuss about the Global Vision International Charitable Trust. Answer: Introduction: This particular study focuses to provide detailed insight on how non-profit business organizations tend to achieve global recognition with the help of social media marketing and new advertising campaign. The primary vision of those non-profit organizations is not only to gain organizational image and recognition, but also to provide services to the society. In this particular study, Global Vision International Charitable Trust of Australia has been chosen in order to evaluate their social media marketing and promotional strategy. Overview of the non-profit organization: Global Vision International Charitable Trust has already occupied a predominant place in International market. This particular organization is popularly known for its numerous initiatives in encouraging the young generation for achieving different goals and missions. This particular organization is out-an-out non-politics and non-religious where people of different cultures and attitudes can get equal respect and dignity (Ashley Tuten, 2015). The primary purpose of this organization is to motivate the young generation for enhancing their skills and competencies towards different sectors. On one hand, the authority tends to provide scholarships to those youths who intend to enhance their educational career. On the other hand, the volunteers inspire the courageous youth towards sports. Providing encouragement to the young generation towards sports is not only primary vision of the organization (Berthon et al., 2012). At the same time, the GVI service providers like to recruit talented and fresh young sportspersons for their club or local community. Proper reasons why this organization is needed: After expanding their wings in the market of Australia, Global Vision International Charitable Trust has provided many opportunities to the young indigenous sportsman for associating with clubs and local community people (Cambria et al., 2012). It is undeniable that the indigenous group of people does not get proper scope to show their talents and skills due to the culture of racism. As a result, these kinds of people intend to keep themselves aloof from the society always (Baker, 2014). Global Vision International Charitable Trust has taken an effective initiative to those young generations. With the rapid progress of civilization, the needs and demands of the people are gradually becoming high. Young generation get least scope to show their extracurricular skills and talents properly. Therefore, on one hand, Global Vision International Charitable Trust helps to expose the hidden skills of youths by encouraging them towards sports. On the other hand, after being associated with a sports club, this particular youth, belonging to the backwards and poor class of society would find a source of income (De Vries, Gensler Leeflang, 2012). In addition, the sports club would be able to represent the young talents for surviving sports the society. Therefore, it is beneficial to both the club and the youth who gets chance. In order to find out the young talents the needs of this organization such as Global Vision International Charitable Trust is undeniable. SWOT analysis of the organization: Before making an effective social media marketing plan, the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of Global Vision International Charitable Trust should be evaluated. Strengths v Global Vision International Charitable Trust is one of the largest non-profit organizations that has already created a recognition in the global market v In the previous social marketing campaign, the organization has achieved large number of response from the people of different geographical boundaries v The business experts used all the popular areas of Australia to spread their new campaign. The areas include Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane. Weaknesses v This particular organizations mission and vision is not diversified. The organization is only concerned about mental and physical development of young generation. Opportunities v The organization is possessed with the high opportunity to encourage the female youths towards different extracurricular activities as well. v This particular campaign can motivate the family members of Australia to send their kids for regular exercise v In addition, sports is the major parts of refreshment Threats v Competitors market strategy is a major threat for Global Vision International Charitable Trust. v With the current lifestyle of Australia, it has been observed that inhabitants are very much accustomed with the technological development rather than involving themselves within extracurricular activities. Therefore, the concept of sports have become a major threats for the organization Table 1: SWOT analysis of Global Vision International Charitable Trust (Source: Erdo?mu? Cicek, 2012) Selecting the appropriate target market: Global Vision International Charitable Trust after launching their wings in the soil of Australia has targeted the young generation of backwards society. Especially the business experts targets more than 40 young people from each particular area of Australia towards sports. The organization has stood beside the people young generation from indigenous group who does not get sufficient scopes and opportunity to show their skills and talents (Fosdick, 2012). It has been observed that a large number of youths existing in Australia are possessed with extreme skills and competencies. Therefore, the organization has targeted 18 to 30 age group of people. This particular age group would be able to be associated with local sports club so that they can earn money showing their skills and talents (Armstrong et al., 2012). In the last year campaign, the organization has drawn the attention of 300 young people for taking the membership of sports club. This is one of the most effective ways of ear ning bread and butter. Therefore, the organization would like to make their target market restricted within young generation especially men. Marketing mix strategy: Marketing mix strategy is one of the most effective business plans and policies with the help of which the organizational products and services can reach to the doorstep of customers (Kaur, 2016). The four Ps of marketing mix strategy include as follows: Product: Product can be considered as a method, good, information or idea that can be delivered in the market on a particular price range. Encouraging the young generation towards sports is the primary mission of Global Vision International Charitable Trust. Motivation to the young generation towards their special skill and interest is the primary product with which Global Vision International Charitable Trust is dealing with large number of youths situated at Australia. The volunteers of this organization are providing free registration form to the target group for becoming the member of sports club. In addition, it has also been mentioned in the website that interested payers would get dresses in free of cost. As a result, the persons would not have to invest large number of amount for accessories. Price: Price is a fixed value that is considered for a particular product. Global Vision International Charitable Trust does not create any demand for the target customers for investing money (Hays, Page Buhalis, 2013). Interested club members get free services from this NGO after taking the membership in a club. Collecting sponsorship from various brands for paying the young talents for their skill is one of the major vision of Global Vision International Charitable Trust. Place: Place is a particular location or an areas of space where the target group can reach. Global Vision International Charitable Trust has established their widespread business in different geographical areas throughout the year including Australia, Canada, UK, US and the countries of Asia Pacific as well. More than 10 branches of Global Vision International Charitable Trust are available all over Australia. Therefore, this particular organization is able to create reorganization in the global market already. Promotion: Promotion is the systematic process of positioning the entire process of business in different geographical market. Global Vision International Charitable Trust being a globally recognized organization has decided to promote their entire products and service concept by using the popularity of social media (Morgan, Katsikeas and Vorhies, 2012). Social marketing campaign is the only platform with the help of which the organization would be able to draw their attention to the people of different geographical boundaries (Heymann-Reder, 2012). While making the promotional activities with the help of social media marketing, Global Vision International Charitable Trust has decided to plan social media marketing in the following way: Determine the social marketing campaign Selecting the target group Analyze the competitors market strategy Selecting the product distribution strategy Making the product price range Collecting customers feedback with the help of social media or public forum Re-forming the business strategy or policy as per customers feedback In addition, the club would like to focus offline advertising campaign as well. The volunteers would spread their product and service concept in various areas of Australia with the help of which campaign. The behavior: While promoting a particular product, consumer-buying behavior is constituted with several types that include high involvement buying behavior, low involvement buying behavior, significant difference between the brands, few differences between the brands and so on. In order to promote the products and services of Global Vision International Charitable Trust, marketing managers would love to focus on high involvement consumer behavior. With the help of high involvement behavior consumers can be highly involved towards products and services. For this particular organization, young generation is the target consumers who are fascinated towards sports and extracurricular activities (Kaur, 2016). Therefore, the volunteers of Global Vision International Charitable Trust would like to encourage the indigenous youths for participating in Australian regional sports club and local community. Benefits of this behavior The first and foremost benefit of high influence behavior is the high influence of customers. Social media marketing is one of the most effective tools with the help of which customers from different cultures and backgrounds can show their interest for using the products of this organization. The primary purpose of Global Vision International Charitable Trust is to draw the attention of youths towards sports and to recruit those employees in sports (Saravanakumar SuganthaLakshmi, 2012). As a result high influence behavior enables the youths to become highly inclined towards services of Global Vision International Charitable Trust. As a result, sports club can get talented sportsperson. On the other, the organization can get necessary benefits and facilities from those local sports club. Developing the attention grabbing message for media The primary intention of Global Vision International Charitable Trust is to encourage the young talents. Especially, this particular nonprofit organization is beyond any cultural and religious specification (Tuten Solomon, 2014). Especially indigenous group of people who are striving immensely for earning bread and butter for their family, the organization stands beside those persons. The indigenous groups of people get the source of income and the sports clubs can show the young talents. The message that Global Vision International Charitable Trust creates for media include Sports refresh our mind. Physical exercises evaluates out mental skills and ability. Therefore, we are here to stand beside those people who are interested to sign their career in the field of sports. Interested people can take the membership of our club without any registration fee. Evaluating the effectiveness of message: Media is the one of the most effective tools with the help of which Global Vision International Charitable Trust would be able to reach the doorstep of people from different geographical boundaries (Tuten Solomon, 2014). In addition, the realm of social media is vast and wide. People of various cultures and religion like to use the popularity of social media. As a result, the organization Global Vision International Charitable Trust can transmit their messages easily to the target market. Conclusion: The entire study has provided an in-depth understanding regarding the importance of social media marketing of no-profit organization like Global Vision International Charitable Trust. This particular organization aims to provide mental support to the young generations for exposing their skills and interest. Human talents or competency should be exposed based on which an individual would be able to find a source of income as well. Therefore, social media is the only platform with the help of which Global Vision International Charitable Trust would be successful to circulate their products concepts and services to different geographical boundaries. Reference List: Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2012).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Prentice-Hall, London. Ashley, C., Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement.Psychology Marketing,32(1), 15-27. Baker, M. J. (2014).Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan. Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy.Business horizons,55(3), 261-271. Cambria, E., Grassi, M., Hussain, A., Havasi, C. (2012). Sentic computing for social media marketing.Multimedia tools and applications,59(2), 557-577. 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Practice prize winnercreating a measurable social media marketing strategy: increasing the value and ROI of intangibles and tangibles for hokey pokey.Marketing Science,32(2), 194-212. Morgan, N. A., Katsikeas, C. S., Vorhies, D. W. (2012). Export marketing strategy implementation, export marketing capabilities, and export venture performance.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,40(2), 271-289. Saravanakumar, M., SuganthaLakshmi, T. (2012). Social media marketing.Life Science Journal,9(4), 4444-4451. Tuten, T. L., Solomon, M. R. (2014).Social media marketing. Sage.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Machiavelli free essay sample
These two come from very different backgrounds but they use the term in similar ways. Both Machiavellian and Tubas use the word Machiavellian demonstrates that it can be cynical and even violent in its meaning; however, there may still be some virtue. The lives of Outpace and Machiavelli had some striking similarities. Machiavelli was dismissed from politics and then later accused of starting a conspiracy against the prominent Medici family. Outpace experienced a salary loss of power when he was accused of numerous crimes.In addition, they both spent time in jail and lost their positions of power for reasons they believed were unjust. Outpace first encountered The Prince while in Jail and instantly identified with it for obvious reasons. From his song, Hail Mary, he opens with the following line, Machiavelli in this? Calumniate/ All through your body/ it blows like a 12 gage shoots [shot gun] This Is a graphically violent and vivid description of Tubas Interpretation of this word. We will write a custom essay sample on Machiavelli or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He extends Machiavellian political theory as a Justification to murder. This lyric exemplifies how the word has evolved into one with cynical and even violent connotations. Tubas interpretation at first glance appears to be a far cry from Machiavelli; however, the two are very similar in meaning. In chapter three of The Prince Machiavelli states this: At this point one may note that men must be either pampered or annihilated. Furthermore he states that the first Is to extinguish the ruling family. It Is easy to see how a street sway thug could Interpret these arguments as justification for killing a gang member on the street. The turf that gangsters talk about is the same In its meaning as the territory that Machiavelli describes. Virtue for its own right is shunned by both Outpace and Machiavelli. However, this does not mean that they are devoid of virtue completely. Both Outpace and Machiavelli have virtue although their interpretation Is vastly different than our consensus understanding.Machiavelli states In the dedication that virtue implies physical and mental capacity-intelligence, skill, courage, vigor-in short, all those personal qualities that are needed for attainment of ones own ends. If we apply this to the streets that Outpace grew up on he should be considered virtuous under this definition as well. The thugs on the street attain the means for their own end even if that means breaking the law or murdering to protect their territory.Later n Hall Mary Outpace raps we all wrapped In this hood acting Like thugs Machiavelli demonstrates that the ultimate good is in the interest of the state or individual. Clearly, Outpace and Machiavelli believed that when they acted in Machiavellian way it Nas virtuous. This was not virtue in the same way that Christian thought or Aristotle Moon defined it as some higher good. Both of them sacrifice virtue for its own sake. Ere needs of the individual and state are put above all else. The ends may Justify the means in some instances. However, this is an ethical question has no clear answer as It debated to this very day.
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