Sunday, May 24, 2020
Definition And Definition Of Context Essay - 1721 Words
Theoretical Framework 3.1. The Definition of context In linguistics, different scholars own different ideas on the context. According to Oxford Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary: 1) the words that come just before and after a word,phrase or statement and help you to understand its meaning. 2) the situation in which something happens and that helps you to understand it(2004,p.361). The first meaning can be classified as linguistic context used in a narrow sense. And the second meaning can be classified as non-linguistic context used in a broad sense. When talking about â€Å"context†, we must have a talk about Malinowski. Because he first came up with an idea of â€Å"context†and made a huge contribution to the development of modern social anthropology. He gave a specific description on the difference between context of culture and the context of situation. He figured out that the context of culture based on the social and cultural background. And one language must be deep-rooted in a given culture; conversely, the social culture is unavoidably reflected by language. The language and culture share a close relation each other. They interact and cooperated with each other. He took a notice of the extra-linguistic factors but ignore the inter-linguistic factors. â€Å"Context can be defined as the surroundings, in the broad sense, which helps the communicators to interact with each other intelligible.†(Mey, 1993) From the definition given by Mey, we can find that Mey shares a similarShow MoreRelatedClinical Definition Of Clinical Context1618 Words  | 7 PagesClinical Context Patient, JD, is a 50-year-old Caucasian male with a past medical history of polysubstance abuse who presented to outside hospital with shortness of breath and chest pain who developed cardiogenic shock complicated by shock liver and renal failure and was transferred to Henry Ford Hospital for elevation of care. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Film Frankie Alice Starring Halle Berry - 964 Words
Intro The film Frankie Alice starring Halle Berry is based on a true story of a woman who is living with a dissociative identity disorder. Set a number of years back (likely the 1970s or 1980s), this film provides the audience with a close up look at what it might be like to live with a mental health disorder. While watching the film, I put a great deal of effort into understanding the symptoms and episodes of the disorder, as the main character experienced them. Through my findings, I have a greater understanding and appreciation not only of dissociative identity disorder but also of mental health in general. Mental Status exam-diagnosis I would like to address each of the identities that appear in the film so that I can go into more details about their traits as the paper progresses. The main character or identity is Frankie who is an African American female in her early thirties who works as an exotic dancer. One of the other personalities that she exhibits is a woman by the name of Alice, who is southern racist. The final identity that appears much less often is a young child who the psychiatrist comes to call Genius, as her very high IQ would suggest. The psychiatrist, Dr. Oswald performed somewhat of a mental status examination when the main character Frankie came into the psychiatric center. At their initial meeting, Dr. Oz asked Frankie questions that touched on the very basic elements of her life such as questions about her work and her family. In this way,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Children Should or Should Not! Be Paid for Good Grades Free Essays
Children should or should not be paid for good grades? I believe that children should not be paid for good grades for several reasons. First of all, To get good grades depend on how each student learns and handles with the result he or she will receive at last. According to Sylvia Rimm, a child psychologist, money does not play an important role in achievement but consistency does. We will write a custom essay sample on Children Should or Should Not! Be Paid for Good Grades or any similar topic only for you Order Now To illustrate, successful students always try to maintain their scores with unchangeable effort while others who once fail give up easily because they believe that there is no second chance to get rewards and compliment. Another reason is that paying for good grades does not mean paying for any knowledge at all. Like a case of Kasama and her 13-year-son, each grade in the report card has its price – laptop, cellphone, portable DVD player and even money. Thus, many children are so eager to have tutorials just to get ‘A’s and then what remain in their heads will be soon replaced with what they want and eventually receive as a prize. Finally, paying for good grades can ruin children’s confidence. For instance, I had never pay for better better grades until high school when almost all of my friends paid for tutorials. I felt like I could not be good enough without taking extra courses in spite of the fact that I could succeed my self-studying. To sum up, with these reasons given above, a lot of money should not be spend on getting only good grades. How to cite Children Should or Should Not! Be Paid for Good Grades, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Use of Power by a Dean-Free-Sample for Students-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Critical analysis of an article The Deans Disease. Answer: Introduction The report will be based on a critical analysis of an article The Deans Disease: How the Darker Side of Power Manifests Itself in the Office of Dean. The highlighted topic of the discussion is the use of power by a Dean when he or she is promoted at that position. Power can be defined as the ability to impact other people and stay completely uninfluenced or it can also be called as having a complete control over various kinds of resources. The concept of power can be easily understood from the status of a company which in itself is legitimate kind of power (Tourish, 2013). However, a form of power can also be called as an experts power since Dean is selected at that position for his or her expertise. There are some people that can have some power even if they dont necessarily have high level of hierarchy based status in university. Key ideas and concepts The concept of power is something that can provide a feeling of superiority with different and more distinct from other people. Number of researches has been conducted over the year that suggests the power has the capacity to change the way people in position like Dean to perceive information and in the end process it. For example, in the recent work of research it is shown that the cognitive base of psychology proves that people with ample amount of power have the capacity of aiming on important feature of the work and ignore any kind of visual form of distraction. At the same time, power also seems to decrease or sometimes completely impair the ability of a person to step in other people shoes before taking any decision (Oliver et al., 2014). People with power have constantly been shown to be less capable of any kind of clarity that the perspective of other presents along with their emotion. The articles discussed three reasons that show the reason behind the way Dean reacts to sit uation. The first reason is that Dean understands that, he has the power to impact staff because of the kind of control they have and this control on varied resources becomes the main reason for being coercive and reward power. Coercive power can also be defined by the usage of number of verbal based threats along with confrontation as well as different kind of punitive function in order to force the control on the faculty. There is no surprise in the fact that Deans who become coercive by nature at later stage can be perceived as an act with personal level of bias as well as dishonesty (Kahler, 2015). As a result, Dean has the power to insulate from daily facts and happening and neither are they aware of the understanding of the happening on the colleges since they lack the source of truthful data that in later stage be based on negative impacts. This situation can result in creating a close inner circle known as doppelgangers (Lindenberger and Mayr, 2014). The second reason of different behavior by the dean is that they easily becomes the target of flattery and can be caught in a position which is overloaded with fake and strategically planned praises from the colleagues and associates. This gives them the feeling of uniqueness and as a result they are developing an inflated sense of self since their belief is based on their special potential (Linton and Power, 2013). They forget to fact of working with other and their corporation while moving forward. The third reason discussed in the article is based on the occurrence of the control on resources needed that Dean adopts as being a consistent player in morality with the power related with the control. The unchallenged power also brings some types of psychic along with materialistic rewards and it is not surprising at all that people in power also wish to maintain the present state of affairs because of which there are some commonly held set of values as well as norms that are completely avoided when there is any kind of interference with the current preservation associated with power (Daly, 2014). Justification of ideas The main aim of this article is not to provide any kind of quick fix or list of tips on avoiding the dark side of power vested on Dean. The discussion is about the approach where Dean fails to identify the overall size as well as complexity of the problems. The main motive here is based on identifying as well as discussing different kind of temptations along with distortion on emotional front that is based on the possession of the power that causes and how people are going to deal with this possession of power and their overall impact on the situation in the university (Johnsen and Lacoste, 2016). Assertions The fact is that power in itself is addictive by nature and when people get the power, remaining on goals and hiding the ego and wits associated with emotional part is not easy. It needs some limitations as well as disciplines. In all the fields, there are examples of people not exactly knowing the way to handle the power. In day to day lives of people generally people disagree with the power and the decisions people take in power (Whittaker and Holland-Smith, 2016). This is why, it is important to use different leadership related philosophy and management as a guide in order to use power in an effective manner. The research discussed about the problem side of power when it is vested with the post of Dean and several preventions to save the situation. However, the report is done on basis of finite number of examples. Here it is important to understand that power does changes the perspective of dealing with things however, it doesnt always have to bring the bad side of the Dean or the leader (Spain et al., 2014). There are reasons of why people vested with power dont always follow a route that people in general want. Power sometimes restricts to what can be done no matter how much of it can be done. Conclusion At the time of taking promoting a eligible candidate at the post of Dean, selection committee in university and other board of directors often depend on factors like the potential of the person, accomplishments, skills, traits important for the personality and in the end, how well these factors fit in the position of Dean (Snead, 2016). What are usually avoided are the social as well as psychological results of the promotion on the newly elected Dean as an individual and the impact on their behavior. Therefore, as a result it is important to not to select the Dean just on the basis of past achievements, however bearings are also crucial for the overall potential results of the change of status on the attitude of them. References Daly, S.Z., 2014. The dark side of power-sharing: Middle managers and civil war recurrence.Comparative Politics,46(3), pp.333-353. Johnsen, R.E. and Lacoste, S., 2016. An exploration of the dark sideassociations of conflict, power and dependence in customersupplier relationships.Industrial Marketing Management,59, pp.76-95. Kahler, M. (Ed.)., 2015.Networked politics: agency, power, and governance. Cornell University Press. Lindenberger, U. and Mayr, U., 2014. Cognitive aging: is there a dark side to environmental support?.Trends in Cognitive Sciences,18(1), pp.7-15. Linton, D.K. and Power, J.L., 2013. The personality traits of workplace bullies are often shared by their victims: Is there a dark side to victims?.Personality and Individual Differences,54(6), pp.738-743. Oliver, B. R., Trzaskowski, M., Plomin, R.,2014. Genetics of parenting: The power of the dark side.Developmental psychology,50(4), 1233. Snead, J., 2016.White screens/Black images: Hollywood from the dark side. Routledge. Spain, S.M., Harms, P. and LeBreton, J.M., 2014. The dark side of personality at work.Journal of Organizational Behavior,35(S1). Tourish, D., 2013. The dark side of transformational leadership: A critical perspective.Development and Learning in Organizations,28(1). Whittaker, C.G. and Holland-Smith, D., 2016. Exposing the dark side, an exploration of the influence social capital has upon parental sports volunteers.Sport, education and society,21(3), pp.356-373.
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